About GleeWork

Our Promise

picture of lawn mower on grass

Our Approach, Commitment

We take a personalized approach to lawn care, tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each client. We use only the highest quality products and techniques to ensure that your lawn is healthy, green, and beautiful all year round. At GleeWork, we're committed to providing clients with the highest level of service and customer satisfaction. Our team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have and will work to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our services.

Our Story, Stance

John Smith was a passionate individual who found solace and joy in caring for lawns. His love for green spaces extended beyond personal enjoyment as he recognized the positive impact it could have on others. With a heart full of compassion, he started a charitable lawn care service to help those in need. John's selflessness and dedication to his community inspired many, and even after his untimely passing, his legacy continued to live on. In his memory, GleeWork was founded, a locally owned & operated business that carries forward his vision and values. 











Our Blogs

The real mass murderer of all grass - winter

People assume winter is peaceful and quiet but not for your grass, find out the main ways winter is killing your lawn...

lawn mower cutting grass

Keys to growing a healthy lawn (don't mow?)

If you have a lawn, you probably know that it's important to keep it healthy and green. But do you really understand how to do that?

photo of grass

How to keep your lawn green all summer long

We'll show you some of our favorite tricks for keeping your lawn green and healthy for summer time.